Ep.36 - Mars vs. Venus: Problematic Relationship Dynamics


There are so many social stigmas and pre-conceived notions holding people back from being in the relationship they desire. Is monogamy really confinement? Why is it good to be an Alpha male but bad to be Alpha female and what does being an Alpha even mean?

For men and women to learn to communicate with each other, we have to set the mind games and egos aside and dig dipper in self to find out what it is we’re really asking for. Check out the episode below as our favorite male therapist, Dr. Todd Malloy, discusses these relationship dynamics.

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Todd Malloy, MA, LMFT, CST (Certified Sex Therapist and License Marriage Counselor - Inner Peace Counseling Center.

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Ep.37 - Passion into Purpose: Legally Domesticated


Ep.35 - Therapy is expensive…but so is divorce