Ep.37 - Passion into Purpose: Legally Domesticated


This month we’re talking all about turning your passion into purpose and profit. And our guest has done it well. As an attorney, mother, wife, and interior decorating social media influencer, Chandra’s passion found her as a sheer need to save money after a relocoation. But she quickly found a way to share her gift and monetize it on Instagram as an additional stream of income.

Check out the episode below as we talk with Chandra Pittman, Esq. of Legally Domesticated to hear how she pursued her passion without giving up the career she loved.

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Chandra Pittman, Esq. - Shop Legally Domesticated

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Ep.38 - Passion into Purpose: Cannon Goes Boom


Ep.36 - Mars vs. Venus: Problematic Relationship Dynamics