Ep.72 - Protecting Your Assets: Death and Estate Planning


All too often, we hear stories in the news of celebrity's family members fighting over an estate. As abstract as it seems, it is far too common that individuals pass without a will or estate plan in place. If you have any asset whatsoever, you need a will at the very least!

In this episode, we sit down with Attorney Robyn Hicks-Guinn where we discuss how to protect your assets, how to plan for your children or loved ones in the event of your death and much more.

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Guests Information:
Robyn Hicks-Guinn, Esq. - Estate Planning, Wrongful Death and more (704) 502-5327

Hicks-Guinn Law



Ep.73 - Protecting Your Assets: Love, Marriage and Divorce


Ep.71 - Money and Mental Health