Ep.24 - Crabs in a Barrel


Crabs in a Barrel, we know it by many names: hater, backstabber, discourager. Whatever the label, the role is the same. It is someone who will try to keep you from succeeding or meeting your goal or has the ability to help you reach your goal but instead tries to hinder you. It can be done subconsciously or blatantly. But what do you do if it happens to you? Or worse, if you are the bad crab, do you even recognize it? This week we discuss the harmful mentality and how it negatively impacts your duckets.

In this week’s Dear Diva segment we answer a listener's questions about whether or not to enter into a business with someone that has different business ideas, personality, and style. If you have a personal situation you would like to write in about and have your letter read anonymously on our podcast, head over to our contact form and select the Dear Diva option or email us directly at divaadvice@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!

Be sure to follow us and stay connected with the divas on Instagram, Facebook and visually on YouTube!


Ep.25 - Dating Potential - Married Man’s Perspective


Ep.23 - Tis the Season for Engagements & Pre-nups