S1.Ep.19 - Veterans Benefits


Thank you for your service. It is a common statement Veterans hear during Veterans Day or when a civilian recognizes they are speaking to a solider/former soldier. Because of their service, Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a number of benefits to veterans including disability compensation, education and training, health care and more. But all to often a Veteran feels like their sacrifices and services go unnoticed when it becomes time for them to receive the veteran’s benefits they’ve applied for. The bureaucratic maze the Veteran or their caretaker finds themselves in when trying to obtain benefits can be frustrating and disheartening. And, unfortunately, without the right help and direction, the process can drag on for years.

Tamesha Larbi, Esq. is a VA appellate attorney and decorated veteran. Her niche appellate law practice works to help veterans secure long-overdue benefits. On this week’s episode we received a wealth of information discussing all things veteran benefits: how to secure them, how they affect women veterans and the process to take when you are denied.

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The Men of Excellence


Guests Information:
Tamesha Larbi, Esq. (VA Appellate Attorney)

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S1.Ep.20 - Just Say NO To The Holidays


S1.Ep.18 - Maternal Health and Healthcare Bias