Ep.63 - Relationships and Money


No matter what poll you look at, you'll find that the top 2 reasons for divorce revolve around issues with sex and money. Yet couples are still widely avoiding the topic of finances until after marriage. WHY?

This episode, Quick and Lee bring themselves to the table for a little girl talk and honestly discuss their views on: earning more (or less) than their partner, if they'd pay for the first date, how soon they have conversations about money with bae in real life and more.

If you have a personal situation you would like to write in about and have your letter read anonymously on our podcast, head over to our contact form and select the Dear Diva option or email us directly at divaadvice@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!

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Episode Sponsored by:
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Ep.64 - How To Fix Your Finances: A Year End Review


Ep.62 - Healing After Domestic Violence