Ep.61 - These Chaps Expensive


The more things change, the more some things remain the same such as the stigma against women who choose not to have children, presumptions about stay-at-home moms or the fact that women generally are still the primary caretaker regardless of their employment status. That decision, having children, affects women in multiple ways--their time, their expenses even their yearly bonuses.

In this episode, we discuss the catch 22 of becoming mothers (nor not), the cost of raising kids in today's age, one of the Diva's own journeys with cryopreservation, child support allocations, savings opportunities and more.

If you have a personal situation you would like to write in about and have your letter read anonymously on our podcast, head over to our contact form and select the Dear Diva option or email us directly at divaadvice@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!

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Ep.62 - Healing After Domestic Violence


Ep.60 - Investing in Real Estate