Ep.51 - Business and Bae: When Love and Money Mix


Your ships (relationships/friendships) impact your growth and money. And this couple is evidence of what happens when you get it right. College Sweethearts, Mark Sanders and Rasheda Sanders, Esq. have been married 17 years. They are the co-owners of Justice Kids Academy and Keep It Kleen Coin Laundry.

In this episode we sit down and discuss their mindset with handling finances early on in their relationship, how they balance prioritizing their marriage, being parents, and having a successful business, and why trust is so important. Head on over to our Youtube channel because you'll want to watch this one. Their love is evident and this kind of chemistry can't be faked!

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Guests Information:
Justice Kids Academy: Facebook

Keep It Kleen Coin Laundry

Episode Sponsored by:
Wooden Bowers - Estate Planning, Personal Injury, and Civil Rights



Ep.52 - Medicare: What it Really Covers


Ep.50 - Matters of the Heart: Heart Disease Awareness