Ep.43 - Access Denied: Paternal Rights


Often when discussing co-parenting, we hear the mother's side. But what about the fathers out there who are doing their best and feeling blocked from access to their kid(s)? Tune in fellas as we discuss paternal rights, options you can explore, and common misconceptions in co-parenting arrangements.

If you have a personal situation you would like to write in about and have your letter read anonymously on our podcast, head over to our contact form and select the Dear Diva option or email us directly at divaadvice@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you!

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***ATTN: These are self service resources for those who do not have an attorney in North Carolina: Check your local courthouse to see if they have self service forms in alignment with your respective state’s laws. Additional resources on Spotify, ApplePodcast, Youtube.***

NC Child Support Guidelines

NC Child Custody & Visitation


Ep.44 - Who Cares for the Caregiver?


Ep.42 - Breast Cancer: A mammogram didn’t tell me…